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Luxor Temple


Luxor Temple is one of the most famous pharaonic temples in Egypt and the world, and is an important historical site dating back more than 4,000 years. The temple is located in the city of Luxor, north of Luxor Governorate in southern Egypt, and the temple is considered one of the largest pharaonic temples currently in Egypt. Luxor Temple is one of the most famous pharaonic temples in Egypt and in the world, and it is an important historical site dating back more than 4000 years. The temple is located in the city of Luxor, north of Luxor Governorate, in southern Egypt. The temple is considered one of the largest pharaonic temples currently in Egypt.



The Luxor Temple is one of the most recent temples built by the famous Egyptian king "Amonhotep III", who was ruler of Egypt during the eighteenth dynasty. The temple was built in the fourteenth century BC, and it is considered one of the most beautiful examples of ancient Egyptian architecture. The most important characteristic of Luxor Temple: Luxor Temple is one of an amazing group of different temples and arcades, and it is mainly distinguished by its exquisite details and distinctively shaped columns, which made it a source of admiration for many tourists from all over the world. Today, it is considered a world-famous tourist destination, and tourists come to it permanently to discover the secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

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  • Categories Temples
  • Location Luxor
  • Currency Dollar

Luxor Temple





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